Hellman & Associates Receives OSHA Award

Hellman & Associates Receives Decades of Excellence Award


In the Olympics, you don’t get a medal for fourth place. Similarly, OSHA does not hand out awards just because you show up. We are extremely proud to announce that H&A is the recipients of the OSHA Region VIII VPP Decades of Excellence Award. The Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) model is quite extensive with over 130 individual items within four main elements. To achieve VPP, a site must have injury and illness below the national average for their industry. In addition, they must meet or exceed all of the elements and individual items within the VPP model.

It is a tremendous challenge and a great achievement to be VPP. Getting into VPP is difficult but staying in VPP is even harder. VPP requires a long-term commitment to continuous improvement in the site safety and health management system. That is why OSHA’s Region VIII created the VPP Decades of Excellence award. This award is granted to VPP sites in OSHA Region VIII following their ten year anniversary of unbroken participation in the OSHA VPP. This ten year milestone is a tremendous achievement as it requires sites to successfully complete at least two VPP recertification evaluations following the initial evaluation. Thus, Decades of Excellence recipients have successfully passed at least three VPP evaluations and maintained VPP qualifications (excellence in industry) for at least ten straight years.

It is an impressive accomplishment and OSHA Region VIII recognizes its long-term partners and participants in VPP with this special award. It is truly hard-earned and well-deserved.

Brad G. Baptiste
Regional VPP Manager                                                 
U.S. Department of Labor – OSHA, Region VIII

When you partner with H&A, we help you create and maintain a culture and environment built on health and safety best practices using the VPP foundation. Contact H&A for information about our annual support service. The ASSUREDCompliance ProgramSM give you unrestricted access to a team of safety experts around the clock with unmatched knowledge and experience to relieve your safety concerns.  We work diligently to implement and maintain your safety management system. This instills safety into your employees’ culture every day. As an H&A client, we guarantee your safety. If your company experiences a citation for something we should have managed, we pay for it…guaranteed.

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