Hellman & Associates

Evolution of the Hazard Communication Standard

In today’s dynamic industrial landscape, the use of chemicals is ubiquitous, spanning sectors from manufacturing to healthcare. While these substances are integral to various processes, they also introduce potential hazards to the workplace. Recognizing the imperative to safeguard workers, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) established the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS), often referred to as the “Right to Know” standard. This regulation ensures that employees are informed about the chemical hazards they might encounter, fostering a safer and more informed work environment. 

Evolution of the Hazard Communication Standard

The HCS has undergone significant transformations since its inception. A pivotal development was its alignment with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), an international framework introduced by the United Nations in 2003. The GHS aims to standardize and harmonize the classification and labeling of chemicals worldwide, addressing inconsistencies that previously existed across different countries and industries. OSHA’s integration of the GHS into the HCS in 2012 marked a monumental shift towards global standardization in chemical hazard communication.

Core Components of the Hazard Communication Standard

  1. Chemical Inventory

    A foundational element of the HCS is the meticulous maintenance of a chemical inventory. Employers are mandated to compile a comprehensive list of all hazardous chemicals present in the workplace. This inventory serves as a cornerstone for hazard communication, ensuring that all stakeholders are aware of the chemicals in use and can access pertinent information regarding their risks and safe handling procedures.


  2. Labeling

    Proper labeling is paramount in conveying hazard information. Under the GHS-aligned HCS, labels on chemical containers must include: 
    • Product Identifier: The chemical’s name or number, ensuring clear identification.
    • Signal Words: Indicators of the severity of the hazard, with “Danger” denoting more severe hazards and “Warning” for less severe ones.
    • Hazard Statements: Standardized phrases that describe the nature and degree of the hazard, such as “Causes skin irritation” or “Highly flammable liquid and vapor.”
    • Pictograms: Visual symbols that represent specific hazards, enhancing quick recognition. For instance, a flame symbol indicates flammability, while a skull and crossbones denote acute toxicity. 
    • Precautionary Statements: Recommendations on measures to minimize or prevent adverse effects from exposure, improper handling, or storage.
    • Supplier Information: Details of the manufacturer or distributor, including name, address, and contact information.


  3. It’s imperative that all containers, including secondary ones used for transferring chemicals, are appropriately labeled to maintain the integrity of hazard communication.


  4. Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

    Formerly known as Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), the standardized 16-section SDS provides detailed information about a chemical, encompassing: 
    • Identification: Chemical name, recommended uses, and supplier details.
    • Hazard(s) Identification: All potential hazards associated with the chemical.
    • Composition/Information on Ingredients: Chemical ingredients and any trade secret claims.
    • First-Aid Measures: Necessary steps in case of exposure.
    • Fire-Fighting Measures: Suitable extinguishing techniques and equipment.
    • Accidental Release Measures: Procedures for spills or leaks.
    • Handling and Storage: Guidelines on safe handling and storage conditions.
    • Exposure Controls/Personal Protection: Recommended exposure limits and necessary personal protective equipment (PPE).
    • Physical and Chemical Properties: Characteristics like appearance, odor, and boiling point.
    • Stability and Reactivity: Information on chemical stability and potential reactions.
    • Toxicological Information: Health effects and exposure routes.
    • Ecological Information: Environmental impact.
    • Disposal Considerations: Safe disposal practices.
    • Transport Information: Guidelines for transportation.
    • Regulatory Information: Applicable regulations.
    • Other Information: Additional pertinent details.


  5. Employers are responsible for ensuring that SDSs are readily accessible to all employees during their work shifts, either electronically or in hard copy. This accessibility ensures that workers can consult the SDSs in emergencies or when seeking information about safe handling practices.


  6. Training

    Effective hazard communication extends beyond documentation; it necessitates comprehensive training. Employers must educate employees on:
    • Interpreting Labels and SDSs: Understanding the information presented and its implications for safety.
    • Recognizing Chemical Hazards: Identifying potential risks associated with chemicals they may encounter.
    • Implementing Protective Measures: Utilizing appropriate PPE and following safe work practices to mitigate exposure.
    • Emergency Procedures: Responding effectively to chemical spills, exposures, or other emergencies.


  7. This training should be conducted at the time of initial assignment and whenever a new chemical hazard is introduced into the workplace. Regular refresher sessions are also beneficial to reinforce safe practices and update employees on any changes in procedures or regulations.


  8. Our EHS Gateway SDS Manager is an effective solution to adhering to the SDS compliance requirements for any size operation.