Hellman & Associates

Safety Blog

Cold Work Hazards

Working outside in cold weather can be uncomfortable. It can also be dangerous. On very cold days, employees should take adequate precautions to prevent cold-related illnesses including frostbite and hypothermia. The First Signs of Frostbite Since your body prioritizes keeping your internal organs warm, blood

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OSHA Injury & Illness Posting Deadline is February 1

OSHA Form 300A, the Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, must be completed and posted by February 1, 2021. The summary must include the total number of 2020 job-related injuries and illnesses that were logged on your OSHA 300 form.  If your company had no recordable injuries or

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Biden’s Call on OSHA for Temporary Emergency Standards

On the first day of his presidency, Joe Biden appointed a new deputy assistant secretary at OSHA and called on the agency to determine whether temporary emergency standards should be issued to address the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a clear indicator that the new administration regards

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The Signs & Symptoms of Heat Stress

The U.S. is experiencing yet another week with heat waves expected across the country, exposing outdoor workers to dangerous risks related to heat exposure. Hellman & Associates has developed a handy infographic that you can post at your workplace and share with your employees to help

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Recording Requirements for Workplace Exposures to COVID-19

On May 19, 2020, OSHA released a memo essentially reversing a previous directive that limited COVID-19 recordkeeping requirements to high-risk employers or those experiencing an outbreak. Beginning today, May 26, the previous memorandum is rescinded and the new memorandum goes into effect. Under the new

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Safely Reopening: Practical Tips

As an employer, how do you implement safe practices when reopening your workplace after the COVID-19 related economic shutdown? In this 30-minute webinar, Hellman & Associates’ Principal Environmental Health & Safety Consultant Craig Snyder and Sherman & Howard safety and health attorney Patrick Miller discuss

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January 9th: The Friday the 13th for Workplace Injuries

Colorado workers’ comp provider Pinnacol Assurance crunched the numbers to find out when workers are at the greatest risk of injury. Over the past five years, the company has received 62% more claims on January 9 than the daily average. The most common injuries are

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OSHA’s 2020 Target: Beverage Manufacturers

Are You Prepared for an Inspection? The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) announced a regional emphasis program in the Denver area with a goal to reduce or eliminate hazard exposure for employees working in the beverage manufacturing industry. Effective immediately, OSHA is conducting enforcement

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DOT/FMCSA Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse: Register Now!

The Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (DOT/FMCSA) is introducing the Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse, a new program regarding drug and alcohol testing records that will go into effect on January 6, 2020. The Clearinghouse is a secure electronic database intended to replace

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Are You Keeping Up with OSHA’s Fall Protection Requirements?

Updated Walking-Working Surfaces Standards for General Industry (29 CFR 1910 – Subpart D) To better protect workers from slip, trip, and fall hazards, OSHA updated Subpart D in January 2017 to revise and add measures that incorporate advancements in industry best practices, as the general

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