Hellman & Associates

EHS Gateway Learning Management System

Learning Management System (LMS)

Our ASSUREDCompliance® program paired with our EHS Gateway digital solutions is a comprehensive training solution for your organization. 

Use the LMS to expand Environmental, Health and Safety learning and meet compliance training requirements with dedicated support from EHS professionals. Here are a few ways an LMS is complementary to our services: 

  • Our EHS specialists are available to support your questions and provide specific advice tailored to the training needs of your facility
  • Maintain records of in-person and on-the-job training events 
  • Convenient access through the EHS Gateway, our online portal 
  • Allows flexibility for production, capturing all shifts and new employees with ease 
  • A resource for new employees, remote staff, and makeup training
  • Training reminders for supervisors and employees 
  • Increased accessibility without geographic limitations
  • Multi-lingual options for training content

Grow your people and your business more effectively by adding a Learning Management System to your ASSUREDCompliance® program.