Hellman & Associates

A Single Second

It takes a minute to write a safety rule.
It takes an hour to hold a safety meeting.
It takes a week to plan a good safety program.
It takes a month to put that program into operation.
It takes a year to win a safety award.
It takes a lifetime to make a safe worker.
But it takes only a second to destroy it all – with one accident.


A Positive Attitude

People instinctively seek to avoid pain and death. And yet, we may behave in a manner that is a threat to our well-being. There are a couple of reasons why this occurs. The first is lack of knowledge. What you do not know, can hurt you! The second reason we may act in a risky manner is attitude. Now might be a good time to do a quick self-analysis. What is your attitude toward safety?

When asked, some may say they are all for a safe work place. Others may complain about any safety effort being made. The difference between the two is one of attitude. Your attitude affects almost all that you do and how you do it.

Have you ever noticed that people who are successful in life, or are just happy, tend to have a positive attitude? And so it is with safety. Look at it this way. . . . safety rules and procedures are written to protect you from harm. They are not written to make your work life more uncomfortable or inconvenient. After all, safety equipment and training costs your employer additional up front money.

If you perform you work in a safe routine, not only is there a lesser likelihood of you getting hurt, you will not be doing battle with the boss who is just trying to do his job by enforcing the safety rules. In addition, you should feel more confident on the job knowing you have a better chance of making it thorough the day without injury. Less fear of injury and the boss no longer on your back has to brighten your day!

Your Family Needs You, Your Employer Needs You, Work Safe!